Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)

Without warning, I turned around so I could face him. Drake stayed silent, the look in his eyes betraying just how much passion and lust he felt for me in that moment. I pressed my lips to his, eager to feel him on me, to cover myself up in him, to wrap him around me. I wanted him to shelter me from all that was outside this room, keep me here as long as he could.

As we kissed I felt signal fires light all over my body. It was as though I was waking up for the first time. I wondered if he was surprised at how ardent my kisses were. Drake was used to being in charge, so I wondered how he felt about me pushing on to him like this.

We slowly stepped into the main area of the room, staying connected the entire time, and being just careful enough to keep from falling over. He sat on the ottoman in the living room area and I sat in his lap, my arms wrapping around his neck. He held me close with his arms, his hands sliding up and down my body as we kissed. One hand started to move up my dress and I moaned as he tickled my inner thigh on his way to my *.

His fingers lightly brushed against my panties barely covering my aching *. I closed my eyes and inched my lower body closer to his touch, wanting to feel Drake inside me. Just as he started to wrap his fingers around my panties and pull them out of the way, I stood up, smiling at him.

Drake stayed seated, smiling back, knowing what I was up to. I lifted my dress up and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties. As much as I wanted him to see the sexy and lacy stuff I’d worn for him today, I had other ideas in mind at the moment.

Drake stood up and watched me as I stepped back and lowered my panties to the floor, slowly. My eyes never left his, my cheeky smile never faltered. I let the panties hit the floor and stepped out of them, still wearing my heels.

By now Drake had unzipped himself and I could see his cock for the first time in what felt like ages, long and hard. Drake pulled me forward and turned me around, bending me over as I came to a stop. I put my hands down on the ottoman we’d just been sitting on, and looked back at him expectantly. He took his time, putting a condom on as if I wasn’t even in the room.

I thought he’d take the opportunity to push his cock into me. “Please, Drake, I need it.” I even reached back to take ahold of his cock and guide him into me. Drake didn’t let me, though, pushing my hand away. He wrapped one huge hand around his shaft and started teasing my * lips with it.

It felt amazing, feeling my * coat his cock with the juices of my desire. I needed him inside me and I pushed my whole body back against him using the ottoman as leverage. Still, Drake resisted, but I felt his cock get closer and closer to my hole. I thought he would finally fuck me, and I moaned in anticipation, but he kept on tapping his cock against my * and moving back.

“Please, Drake, don’t do this to me.” I was getting desperate. “Please just fuck me. I need it.” I kept pushing myself back, closer to him, closer to the source of all my pleasure, and he kept holding back.

Then with a start, he pushed inside me. His cock, already covered in the evidence of how much I needed him, slid into me so easily that he didn’t even have to pull out and thrust again to go all the way in, and I could soon feel his balls touching my skin.

Drake reached up and put one of his hands around my waist. Lifting up my dress from the front, he started playing with my clit while he fucked me. His other hand was on hips, guiding my body as we moved back and forth, rhythmically slapping into each other.

I was so wet, he slid in and out with almost no friction, but I still gasped at how full I felt. I had completely forgotten how thick Drake’s cock was. His cock pushed in and pulled out of me, and with one hand on my clit and the other keeping me in place I was almost ready to cum already.

After a minute Drake slowed down, and I thought he wanted to change positions. I was happy to, but I loved being bent over and fucked like this. He didn’t change positions after all, though, just took his fingers off my clit and moved them upward, inside my dress till he reached my breasts, covered in my lacy bra.

I moaned as he played with my tits through my bra, squeezing them and tweaking my hard nipples. My breasts had always been so sensitive, as Drake was learning. We continued like that until I came for the first time, pushing back against him one last time as I moaned hard and loud, unashamed at the pleasure I was feeling, Drake’s cock deep inside me.

As I came, Drake kept pushing in and pulling out of me, each nipple tweak sending aftershocks up and down my body. I nearly went limp, but Drake’s powerful arms kept me up till most of my earth shattering orgasm had finished and I could stay up on my own power.

I sighed as he pulled his cock out of me, still hard. I stood up, slowly, turning around to face him, feeling empty now that Drake was no longer inside me, wanting him back in, but still luxuriating in the after pulses of my orgasm. He was wicked; we were so in tune that just regular sex with him felt incredible.

Lucy Snow's books